Lurid Light
Opolzka svetoloba
Dietmar Tauchner
Slovenian translation: Metod Češek
These poems were written in the summer 2003 after a visit to the former concentration camp Mauthausen, the largest in Austria, which is now a memorial place.
über uns die Sonne
von damals
Mauthausen -
above us
the same sun
Mauthausen -
nad nami
isto sonce
ein Bauer düngt sein Feld
neben dem KZ
summer air
a farmer dungs his field
beside the camp
poletni vetrič
kmet gnoji svoje polje
zraven taborišča
dunkle Sommersonne
dunkle Sommersonne
in den Baracken
the dark summer sun
the dark summer sun
in the shacks
temno poletno sonce
temno poletno sonce
v barakah
kinderaugen grün hinter dem stacheldraht
the child's eyes green beyond the barbed wire
otrokove oči zelenijo onkraj bodeče žice
ein Schild
vor dem Krematorium
Bitte nicht rauchen
a sign
in front of the crematorium
“please don’t smoke”
pred krematorijem
''prosimo, ne kadite''
Düsteres Licht
die schneeweißen Fliesen
der Gaskammer
lurid light
the snow-white tiles
of the gas chamber
opolzka svetloba
snežnobele ploščice
v plinski celici
ein Mann hebt
sein Kind hoch
gas chamber
a man lifts up
his child
plinska celica
moški vzdigne
svojega otroka
die Stelen
breath of wind
the memorials
sapica vetra
Jemand lacht am Weg zum Steinbruch
someone laughs on the way to the quarry
nekdo se smeje na poti v kamnolom
Schritt für Schritt
mehr außer Atem
death’s stairway
step by step
more out of breath
stopnišče smrti
korak za korakom
pojenja sapa
das Auto verfolgt
von Staub
leaving the camp
the car chased
by dust
zapuščanje taborišča
avto preganja
le še prah
am Ufer der Donau
ein Liebespaar
at the Danube bank
two lovers
na bregu Donave
dva ljubimca
outake from: as far as i can, Red Moon Press, Winchester, 2010
Dietmar Tauchner, born in 1972 in Austria, lives & works in Puchberg & Vienna, as a social-worker / counselor, author and lover.
His work has been published in various magazines & anthologies worldwide.
He received some awards, and attended the First and the Second European Haiku Conference, The Haiku North America Conference in 2005, as well as the World Haiku Association Conference 2009 in Lithuania, where he held lectures and readings.
Haiku Publications:
as far as i can, Red Moon Press, Winchester, 2010
Schnee, CD, Moksha Music, St. Veit, 2011
Steg zu den Sternen, Wiesenburg Verlag, Schweinfurt, 2012
noise of our origin, Red Moon Press, Winchester, 2013
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